I've been a journalist, teacher and proofreader, as well as a translator and editor for print. In my free time, I'm a cultural omnivore exploring my interests through writing.

On Medium, I've edited a music publication and been a Top Writer in Music and Books, but I've since left the Partner Program to write without any concern for profit.

I'm currently refocusing and redesigning my Medium content for a focus on Japanese literature. In the meantime, remember these words from Judge Leonard White:

"Decency is what your grandmother taught you. It's in your bones! Now you go home. Go home and be decent people."

(from The Bonfire of the Vanities film, 1990)

―J.P. 6/23/2024

Medium member since January 2019
J.P. Williams

J.P. Williams

Writer and translator. Currently redesigning and refocusing. Changes coming in the weeks ahead.